edit: 12 seconds edit 2: 10 SECONDS WHAT edit 3: 9 seconds edit 4: ok after 0.2 it became hard my v0.2.3.2 record is 11 minutes edit 5: ok i got 116 seconds after trying new shortcuts ok watch this video that i made (edit 6) btw it has no sound for some reason edit 7: got 105
edit 8: I GOT 96 WWHAT and edit 9 that wasnt there for some reason is i got possibly 1.11.1 fun fact is mc disc 11 is 1 minute 11 seconds and 111 milliseconds
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hm.... this has a lot of potencial for rule 34 (I'm kidding lol)
i know why its laggy its because my browser doesnt support webgl??
i hate this
so bc its laggy and stuff i tried this on a windows laptop i cant start game
try restarting the website
it no work
it worked, but after lvl 3 the screen turns blue
THE RETURN OF THE KINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG also i cant fix it rn so ill do it tmrw
i have returned but i can only play on weekends because its laggy on mac
can you fix it
so in my first vid about yaab i didnt know it didnt record voice
so i said to add a teleporter but it didnt record
its nice to see my idea in the game, even though lamp didn't know i had that idea
i really like this game, maybe a level idea can just be climbing under the walls??
kinda exists already
Yeah but harder
oh ok
level 6 should fit the bill, tbh i might make another world thats just a bunch of community ideas
i said that would be the last major update
just fyi, level 20 IS possible, just very hard
but its laggy so i cant get there
I got 1:33 cause im trash at the first lava level
btw to get in the leaderboards now you have to send a video and proof
Cool i don't really care about getting into leaderboards but i might one day
i got 1:02 ok let me in the leaderboard
edit: 1:15 but with other footage bc idk how to edit out the parts
edit 3: got 1:10 with the speedrun if you remove the parts where its me getting ready and me clicking stop recording its 1:10
send video
when done with class
i sent vid
time this im too lazy
while timing it remember it said jumping doesnt count
i have 2 recordings of 1:06
and i was 4 frames away from atleast getting 1:05
are there any easter eggs
no not until the next update probably (big update btw)
oh ok
i was looking for some
hopefully it wont be laggy like the 'release'
what did i say its laggy
youre damn right it is
bruh i got 69 seconds
i agree
lamp i have some bad news, you did not fix it
fool, you clearly havent heard of the ten minute rule
you put it back
yes i did
im busy debugging cause itch.io messes up the camera
oh ok
yeah ok im actually changing the password now
I did a speedrun for this game and got 2:42:84
i got 1:56 seconds
edit: 1:36
ez i got 1:08
oh come on
like, hours, or minutes, did the game take you 2 hours?
then how 84 seconds
2 minutes, 42 seconds and 84 milliseconds
i have an idea, what if you make a two long walls and we have to double jump up to the win thing, like this (im a very good artist i know)
yeah sure, thats actually a pretty good idea
add some lava in between too for extra hardness
i was gonna do that anyways
yoooooo im adding your level to the next update so stay tuned and stuff
hell yea dude! im exited
bug report: theres a level where you can fall into the void
put lava there or something
lag report: laggy and pain
k will fix
you did not fix
we in school rn
timed myself, got 14 seconds
edit: 12 seconds edit 2: 10 SECONDS WHAT edit 3: 9 seconds edit 4: ok after 0.2 it became hard my v0.2.3.2 record is 11 minutes edit 5: ok i got 116 seconds after trying new shortcuts ok watch this video that i made (edit 6) btw it has no sound for some reason edit 7: got 105
edit 8: I GOT 96 WWHAT and edit 9 that wasnt there for some reason is i got possibly 1.11.1 fun fact is mc disc 11 is 1 minute 11 seconds and 111 milliseconds
edit 10: pov you finish in 69 seconds
yeah ok i definitely have to make this game longer (aka the cooler guy)
yoo other person who owns the account ggs you can get a secret thing (aka the cooler guy)
shut up jonathan (aka the cooler guy)
no you shut up (aka the cooler guy)